Climb the Tree

I’ve been in the business world for years and very aware of it for much longer. I always had a sort of “drive” and knew that I could get to where I am (and further!) if I was just willing to pay attention and make a conscious effort to be successful. As a small business […]

6 Reasons Why You Don’t Need Life Insurance

As you probably know, September is Life Insurance Awareness month. Here are 6 reasons why you DON’T NEED life insurance. You are never going to die. You are going to inherit a fortune. You are going to win the lottery. Your children are going to support you. You are never going to retire. The government […]

5 Tips for Proper Gutter Maintenance When the Leaves Start Falling

As summer ends and fall begins, the leaves will quickly start falling. When they do, it is important that you are more aware than ever of the proper way of cleaning and maintaining gutters on your home. On average, gutters accumulate anywhere from 40-250+ pounds of debris per year! It’s important to make sure to […]

September is National Preparedness Month

It’s important that we are always aware of the risks outside our control and are prepared in case the unthinkable happens. We recognize National Preparedness Month to help increase awareness of the importance of always keeping safety first. “Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today.” Here are 10 Ways to Prepare: Sign up for local […]

September Is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Are you protecting yourself and your family with this necessary coverage? In the event of a tragedy, life insurance can help pay the bills and mortgage, continue a family business, finance future needs (such as your children’s education), protect your spouse’s retirement plans, and much more. Life insurance plays a key role in having a […]

7 Ways to Deter the Biggest Summertime Pest

As we are in the middle of the summer, and while my family and I are excited and looking forward to spending more time outdoors, I can think of a group even more eager for it… mosquitoes. Those dreaded pests are one of the most annoying parts of summer, especially in the part of the […]

Renter’s Insurance: A Review of the Basics

Renter’s Insurance is needed for things like when an apartment is robbed or the apartment above it has a fire, and the water used to extinguish it floods the apartment. A landlord’s policy likely won’t pay to replace any of the items in the apartment. That’s up to the renter. You have a lot of […]

August is Children’s Learning and Vision Month

Did you know that you need over 17 visual skills to succeed in reading, learning, sports, and in life? These include focusing, eye tracking, eye coordination, and visual perception. 1 in 4 children struggle with reading and learning due to vision problems. These issues make it difficult for children to pay attention in school and […]

5 Tips for Proper Pet Care as Temperatures Rise

When you think about all the fun activities you have planned for the upcoming summer, can you imagine not sharing them with man’s best friend? Growing up, the family dog went everywhere with us and is a part of most of my childhood memories. Whether it’s a lazy day spent by the pool or enjoying […]

Beware of COVID-19 Scams

As we are still in the grips of this horrendous pandemic there are people taking advantage of the situation with new scams. According to IdentityForce, you should be wary of scam social media posts and emails with fake information about COVID-19. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been “an increased numbers of hackers […]